This is the first work of the author, and one that cannot be ignored. Mixing black humour, fundamental questions and faith in this way, is a first! Three months after its publication, it was already a best-seller in the self-published line. More than 60.000 have been sold in seven languages (one of which is Mandarin!) He obtained a special mention at the International, Christian, French-speaking comic book forum in Angouleme (in 2006).
With its black humour and the graphics and colours in the same tone, it shows us all those preconceived ideas we have about God, death, religion, men etc. It is fresh, moving, funny and sincere. A sincerity which destabilises the reader and questions his convictions, atheist or not. Public: Teenagers, young adults, black humour, religious but not conventional !
This book is available in English, French, German, Spanish, Danish, Italian, Chinese.
It exists in two versions:
Hardbound: 21.5 x 30cm – 64 pages
Price: $11.99 / Available now