I was on a train heading for Lyon (a big town in the south east of France). Suddenly, the guy sitting in front of me has a heart attack!
The conductor shook him like a rag doll, in vain, and uniforms started swarming around him . A doctor was asked for, on the intercom.
A commotion broke out in the car. The passenger was lying on the ground. Mouth to mouth… cardiac massage, in vain. The guy turned from white to green.
I know that this happens every day. We’re just travelers on earth and should be expecting to see people leave this world, from time to time. Then, I remembered that this guy had asked me to watch over his stuff while he was gone, which I had agreed to.
What if his “stuff” was more than just his bag? So, keeping quietly to myself, I asked God to do something about it, in order for this man to get another chance of knowing Him and put his life in order before reaching eternity. And suddenly, the guy was back!
He left on a stretcher escorted by an army of firefighters, policemen and doctors.
And the story goes on…
In Bienne, where I was supposed to change trains, something had already occurred. A lady was touched when she overheard me speaking about God’s grace with a friend I had bumped into. As we were getting off the train, she was telling me that she knew me (the artist) and that, most of all, she used to be a believer too. We haven’t talked much but it was powerful. As a result, I missed my train (had to change my ticket, reorganize everything…)… and now with this new event, I had the feeling history was repeating itself… (?!)
I was on my way to two cities to perform a show and was well aware it was going to be a spiritual trip, but wow…! Hell of a start!
Being close to God makes life really exciting. That’s what my book “Meet me in the forest” talks about. You can download the first 80 pages for free:
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