Stuff just ours. (plus Corinne's letter)
The Gift
-You're lucky to have this relationship with God, 'coz He doesn't speak* to me… (squeak! honk honk!) Sounds wrong to you too?
“The chance”, (in other words “the grace") to be intimate with Him is God's gift to all of His children.
Along with the forgiveness of our sins, it's the most beautiful, undeserved gift we could ever receive (I often unwrap it in the forest) It cost God a lot: His son on the cross.
* How to listen to God (3 videos in French with English subtitles available)
– How to hear God speak in our thoughts.
– How does God speak in our dreams?
– The different ways God speaks.
Children colors A small comparison: I have 4 children and with each of them I share privileged and different "just us" moments.
Their personalities, their expectations, our history and the time spent together are as many woven threads. The knitted piece varies from one personality to the other but is made of the same love.
My kids really are gorgeous colors. When I am yellow and my son Silas is blue, the time we spend together turns into a deep forest green, fresh and invigorating, (or snot green, 'coz it makes us laugh), and with my little red Sephora, a sparkling orange sunset etc…there is no wrong color.
I adapt myself to each one of them, but I have no favorite: I love them all the same (like crazy!)
Dad/God's number ones? Whoever you are, whatever you have been through, if while reading "Meet me in the forest", you'd like to have that kind of relationship with God, you can. But the result will be other beautiful and unique colors ('coz you're His work, actually). Why not try "my" forest tip for a start and then develop your own "just the two of you" stuff? **
God knows you by heart, He'll know how to reach you. Once you two are alone, just make sure to be true, so that He can take away the grey that grieves you (it's more than just a circumstance to be turned around) He'll enhance your own color. Come, just as you are, it's you He's waiting for, not someone you think you should look like.
It is written “God IS love”, it's even more powerful than "God has love" (1st John 4:16) It's His nature and He doesn't have to make any effort to love you personally.
** You may have been intrigued by what I'm talking about. For a better understanding of the context, you can download the first 30 pages of the book here:
Below is a letter that says the same ..
Enjoy your walk…
Corinne's letter
After receiving her order, a girl wrote this to me: I just wanted to thank you for the dedication*, for having taken time for me, in the speech balloon there's a heart and no one else knew except for… Here's the thing, when I walk in the woods or elsewhere, I find hearts, I see hearts everywhere, I end up thinking it can't be, this must be done on purpose, I zoom in… In fact it is done on purpose. I had asked God: "tell me that you love me, but say it to me alone!" because I have often been told: "God loves you" but had never felt anything personal.
So thanks a lot, I know we sometimes send such little hearts on Whatsapp, but today the one I found in my book is special. Here are a couple of pictures, they're not artistic but they were taken while I was working or having a walk, when someOne wanted me to know he loved me.
*The dedication I had made for her.
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