Jackson* from Canada (and originally from Belgium, but who cares…) sent me a letter, telling me that after having been badly hurt in Christian circles, he had given up on his faith (it’s what most people do!!).
It comes down to throwing the baby out with the bathwater!
‘Coz, heyyy! Jesus and His fan club are two different things!!
When we confuse them, it only shows how shallow our relationship with Christ is or that it only depends on the meetings we attend (which is the same in fact).
*Don’t try figuring out who it is, it’s not his real name
First blow!
Small encouragement to all those who are just starting their walk with God.
You’ve just started a promising journey, expecting to be amazed and thrilled… BUT… at one point or another you’ll reach the well-known borough of believers. It shines with wonderful promises and you anticipate support and guidance for the journey. The name of the place is “Yulbe BC” (Battered by Christians).
I might as well tell you right away that you’re gonna be shoveling shit and experience brutal awakening… but if you can make the difference between believers and God to find your way through and carry on with your journey, while still loving both Yulbe and God (who, I repeat, has nothing to do with the problem), then you’ll be strong enough to face anything that’ll come your way! So, just hang in there ‘coz it’s worth it!!
So… What about Jackson?
Jackson told me that after reading the first three volumes of “Meet me in the Forest” *, he reconciled with God**. I was so glad for him, (survivors are rare!). But when I tried to tell him that all believers weren’t like the ones he had already met and that maybe… if he didn’t mind… no pressure… and if it was okay with him… he could, maybe… uh, try to see other believers…(?) AAAAAAAAAAARGH! (Well… tell me about it!) He had a panic attack!! I immediately tried to comfort him by telling him there was no emergency! And that, yes, of course, I understood! And no, I agreed: one step at a time was just perfect!… and that for the moment, the most important was to root himself in a true relationship with Christ. Only when it’s solid enough, will he try to visit the not so doomed borough again (one can even find true eternal friendships there, and incredible nuggets from heaven!)
But take it easy (breathe deeply, theeere you go…), I was just saying!
* Only the first one is translated in English for the moment, sorry!
** Wow! I’m so happy about that, but it’s no magic formula and it doesn’t always work, sorry again! (I’m afraid God doesn’t care for ready-made recipes)
Find more of the author’s meditations in his book Meet me in the forest. First 30 pages for free here.
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